Monday, May 26, 2014

Why Whistleblowers Are Important

Whistleblowers serve a great service to the American Taxpayer and the future of the United States.  Whistleblowers are on the front-lines battling the injustice of unethical managers, owners, and Government officials.  Without Whistleblowers, billions of dollars of fraud, waste, and abuse would go unnoticed and the American Taxpayers would be the ones paying for it.  According to a PricewaterhouseCoopers study, whistleblowers uncovered 43% of fraud, and law enforcement and auditors combined uncovered 22% of corporate fraud.   As previously reported in “Whistleblower Payouts Could Have Reached $252 Billion in 2013,”  the United States Government could have recover $840 billion in fraud in 2013.

In order to uncover the maximum amount of fraud possible, Lawmakers, Corporations, Law Enforcement, Auditors, Department of Justice,  and Whistleblowers need to work as one to help ensure that the American Taxpayers are no getting cheated.

“One Team, One Fight”